RefWorks REST Interface
Overview retrieve Class openurl (POST) Method
openurl (POST) Method
Takes a list of references as a list of OPENURLS via a POST and returns which if any of the OPENURLS had associated references in the RefWorks account and also returns the associated references if pagesize>0
<baseurl>/?class=retrieve&method=openurl&pgnum=1&pgsize=25&<signature related and sess parameters>

The results are sorted in the order or the openurls were listed in the request by default. The current RefWorks implementation supports OpenURL 0.1, the search only uses the AULAST DATE ATITLE and TITLE parameters, this may change in the future. Expects utf-8 as the character set
Set to retrieve
Set to openurl
Indicates which page of references to return.  First page is 1.
Indicates how many references are on a page.  Passing a value of 0 results in no references being returned.
(Optional; Not used in Z39.50 class methods) Indicates how to sort the references returned.   Defaults differ depending on method called.  Supported values are:
0Authors, Primary
1Pub Year, descending
2Pub Year, ascending
3Ref ID
4Ref Type
5Title, Primary
6Periodical, Full
7Periodical, Abbreviated
8Creation Date Time, descending
9Last Modified Date Time, descending
10(Used only for a Retrieve::quick method)  Relevancy
11(Used only for a Retrieve::dup method)  Duplicate
12Last Modified Date Time, ascending
(Optional) Indicates the output style used to format the references.   Default is 0 which is the RefWorks XML format (unformatted).   NOTE:  There can be more than one style parameter passed to allow for getting multiple styles.
<Output style ID>ID of desired output style.  See the OutputStyle class for IDs.
0RefWorks XML format (unformatted).
-1Reference IDs in XML format.
-2RefWorks XML format with a modified <lv> element.   This modified <lv> element contains <item> elements with the vendor information.  For example,
      <item vendor="PUBMED" id="PMID" value="16249332" />
      <item vendor="PUBMED" id="PMCID" value="PMC1276082" />
(Optional and only used if the "style" parameter passed is an output style ID) Default is en for English.  Set to the first value in the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE return by the browser or set to a value from Properties::languages method.
(Optional) Indicates the file type to format the references.  Default is html.
textUTF-8 text
(Optional; Used only if an output style ID is specified in the style parameter)   If true, all references are returned as a bibliography list in the output style specified.   If false, each reference is separated into its own <reference> element in the output style specified.  Default is false.
XML sent in PUT
Below is an example of the xml sent in the put. Note that in the OpenUrl elements only send the parameter portion don't include a the domain and virtual directory portion.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<RWRequest category="retrieve" type="openurl">
  <openurl>..openurl here</openurl>
  <openurl>..openurl here</openurl>
XML return
The response will contain the openURLs that were sent in the form show below. Note that for openURLS that were found in the RefWorks Account an attribute will be added that contains the refID number. Below this OpenURLResult element will be the references in XML Format or some other format depending on the paramters sent. refID in the openurl elements can be used to match with the returned references, or to make other calls back to refworks via the api

  <openurl refID="7">openurl here</openurl>
  <openurl > open url here </openurl>
  <openurl refID="16"> </openurl>
HTTP Verbs
Performs the search and returns results
HTTP Return Status Codes
Status CodeDescription
404no refs found
400Bad request
401Unauthorized request
advancesearch Method | all Method | author,descriptor,periodical Method | byid (GET) Method | byid (POST) Method | count Method | dup Method | folder Method | modsince Method | nofolder Method | openurl (GET) Method | openurl (POST) Method | quick Method | saved Method | specialfolder Method
See Also
Overview | Attachments Class | Authentication Class | Authors,Descriptors,Periodicals,Folders Class | Batch Class | Deleted Class | ImportFilter Class | Manuscript Class | MyList Class | OutputStyle Class | Properties Class | PubMed Class | Reference Class | Retrieve Class | RSS Class | SavedSearch Class | ShareProperties Class | Subscriber Class | SubscriberPrefs Class | User Class | Utility Class | Z39 Class
Tue Jul 13 2010      Added "language" parameter.
Tue Sep 22 2009      Added "biblist" parameter and allow multiple "style" parameters.
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